About Us

Business Concept

We are a cosmetics toll manufacturing company and at the same time developing our own brand of personal care & beauty products. Founded in 2005, the business is anchored on the following core values: superior quality, excellent service, total convenience value for money and environment protection.


We intend to become the market leader in the toll manufacturing industry and maintain our leadership in the country. We envision to penetrate the whole Asian market.


We shall continue our growth in major metropolitan centers with the objective of providing superior product quality, excellent customer service and competitive pricing accessible to the market, thereby ensuring 100% customer satisfaction.

Our Products

Exclusive Watsons Products

Available at all Watsons Stores Nationwide!

Invest Now

Save By Utilizing Toll Manufacturer

Now there's a better and more economical alternative than building a manufacturing plant and hiring employee to manage & manufacture your own products – HAVE IT DONE BY A TOLL MANUFACTURING COMPANY! We will simply do it all for you.

Customarily, almost all manufacturing and distribution companies are building their own manufacturing plant to produce their products. Contrary to this norm, some of the manufacturing firms now shifted to employing Toll Manufacturing Companies as the source of their products. Without sacrificing the quality of products, they save resources to boost products sales as they can channel financial savings to further promoting the product. On top of the financial savings that they can gain in utilizing tool manufacturers, they also save warehouse space , prevent overstocking and ultimately maintain a very lean manpower structure.

Having a toll manufacturer is simple and easy. Just provide your product requirements, can negotiate on the pricing and you can be assured of the quality since you may reject deliveries if it does not conform to the standard that you agreed upon.

We are an emerging leader in the toll manufacturing industry as shown in our existing line of clientele. We offer high quality products & services as evidenced by the success of the brands that we produce in the market. With Izial Chemiehausen, you can enjoy big savings for manufacturing services compared to manufacturing on your own. Using applicable technology and 100% commitment to product quality, Izial Chemiehausen delivers quality products and excellent service.

Break free from the norm, invest in Izial Chemiehausen and experience the benefits of its tool manufacturing advantage.

Why choose us over other competitors?

- The MOST dependable toll manufacturer in the industry.
- SAVINGS – saving's assured with guaranteed competitive prices.
- Good reputation: with almost all products being manufactured for big retailing companies like Gaisano, Watsons and the likes.
- Our experience in the toll manufacturing Industry is aided with the best qualified chemist and pharmacist.
- Products with warranty
- Speed and efficiency assured
- Dependable manufacturing plant.
- Commitment to our CORE Values
- Use of reliable Equipment complimenting manual procedure (to add integrity on the products.)
- Social Service Commitment – Sponsor NGO’s concerning Environment

Major Clients


Metro Gaisano

Prince Retail


Zen Zest

My Sanctuary


Ellese Skin Care